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If you enjoy kayak fishing you can load that kayak on top of your car or shove it into the back of a pickup truck, drive to a location for the day, then drag it down to the water. But today, with their larger designs and all the additional kayak gear you may want, many fishing kayaks are significantly heavier than one might expect. That can make…
February 11, 2025
Humminbird has an all-new series hitting the water, called the Xplore. Initialy introduced in 9”, 10”, and 12” models, the core concept behind their development is to make it faster and easier to…
February 9, 2025
Yellow perch are a widely distributed native panfish in North America, ranging from Georgia to Nova Scotia and westward all the way to southeast Alaska, and are an incredibly popular winter fishing…
February 7, 2025
If you’ve been reading the boat reviews in FishTalk for a few years you may have noticed a certain pattern when it comes to Sportsman boats: I’m a fan. IMHO the bang they deliver for your boat-buying…
February 6, 2025
Join us on the first Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. for new episodes of LIVE with Lenny. Tune in for an interactive live stream with Angler in Chief Lenny Rudow where he discusses various seasonal…
February 5, 2025
As Bay fishermen we live for the adrenaline rush of topwater slams and bird blitzes, but the question is, will a center console boat or a pilothouse get us more epic fishing opportunities? I’ve been…
February 3, 2025
The spring perch runs have always signaled the arrival of a new fishing season in Chesapeake country. Before the run began you could pluck them out of the deep holes downriver of spawning sites, but…
January 30, 2025
Remember, folks, this is a forecast as opposed to a current report, which is built from looking back at the past eight years of FishTalk's reports, so for current reports please visit our Reports…
January 28, 2025
Diver websites and YouTube videos are great resources for researching bottom structure that attracts sportfish and for assessing the performance of artificial reefs. Underwater photos and videos show…
January 26, 2025
We anglers are a pondering lot (pun intended) regardless of whether we enjoy trolling for tuna on the open ocean or kayak fishing for crappie on a placid pond. We go to bed thinking about that hook-…