If you want to drive your four-wheeler over the hills, through the woods, and right into the creek, the Argo XTV Frontier S LE should be of interest. The 26 horsepower Frontier can float, has an on-water load capacity of 730 pounds, webbed tires that provide waterborne propulsion, and comes with a standard bilge pump. There’s just one more odd detail – this extreme terrain vehicle has four wheels per side, not four total. And having eight wheels means it can accomplish some rather amazing feats, like clawing its way through marshes and across semi-frozen rivers. It also may be the only boat in the world which you can use to haul your trailer-boat.

On open water that clawing takes place at a rather slow three mph, and some of us would be able to out-swim it. You can, however, clamp an outboard onto this machine’s “transom.” Argo doesn’t specify a max horsepower, but does say 10 mph is the top-end with an outboard attached. We wonder how they get by without publishing an official USCG horsepower rating. Then again, we’re even more confused about how you’d register this thing in such a way that both the DNR and the DMV would be satisfied – just thinking about it ties our brain in Argo-knots.
Quick Facts:
LOA – 10’4”
Beam – 4’10”
Displacement – 1220 lbs.
Draft (hull) – Depends on tire inflation (seriously).
Transom Deadrise – NA
Fuel Capacity – 7.1 gal.
Area Dealers – BD’s Body Shop & Argo Sales, Cambridge, MD, (443) 477-1795 or bdsargosales.com; Bobcat of Sussex County, Delmar, DE (and Accomac, VA), (302) 846-3355 or bobcatofaccomac.com; Oceana Cycles, Virginia Beach, VA, (757) 437-0014 or oceanacycles.com; Beverage Tractor and Equipment, Stuarts Draft, VA, (540) 337-1090 or beveragetractor.com.