Attention all fish-heads: The FishTalk/PropTalk fishing team would like to send out one major-league, back-slapping, high-fiving thank-you to everyone who donated to this year’s Fish For a Cure Captain’s Challenge and helped make F4AC 2018 a smashing success. Naturally, we’re happiest with those who chose to make their donation in the name of our team. But whether it was for team FishTalk/PropTalk or any of the other teams on the board, you have our gratitude.

As a result of all those donations, this year’s fundraising hit new heights with over a half a million dollars raised for the Anne Arundel Medical Center, the Geaton and JoAnne DeCesaris Cancer Institute, and the Cancer Survivorship Program.
That is seriously cool.
As for those of you wise enough to choose Team FishTalk/PropTalk as your favorite in the Captain’s Challenge: we’re absolutely thrilled to say that thanks to your help we managed to break our $10,000 goal, more than doubling last year’s total with a final tabulation of $10,154. Note that 75 individual donors pitched in to make this happen, along with the funds raised at our Beers & Bucktails Bash. If you thought about going to the Bash but didn’t make it, you missed out on one heck of a good time as well as a pile of sweet fishing prizes – we hope we’ll see you next year.
The fundraising efforts were capped off with an (ahem) excellent day of fishing on the Chesapeake Bay. November third ushered in steady 25 mph winds with gusts to 35, a gale warning, and just to top it all off some rain first thing in the morning. No doubt partially a result of the weather (read: unfishable conditions) the bite was exceptionally slow for most of the field. But captain Brian Heller and his team on the Alternating Currents managed to troll up a 17.69 pound striper on their Weaver 43 (yes Brian, we all do have boat-envy) to take first place. Team CFS took both second and third, with 11.66 and 10.75 pound fish. The Grand Slam went to Leigh Family Dentistry. And Leigh Family Dentistry also took first place in the perch category, with a 5.44 pound stringer.
Who took second place for perch? Why, Team FishTalk/PropTalk, with 4.65 pounds, just eeking out the team on Miss Cleo, which had 4.5 pounds for third. On our boat, Charb “The Barb” Charbonneau caught the most fish of the day. Fish-catchin’ Kaylie swung a pound-plus perch or two over the rail. The Intel Award goes to Zach Ditmars, since it was his perch spot at REDACTED that did the trick. Distribution Specialist Bob, as usual, delivered – catching the biggest perch of the day. And team captain Lenny Rudow did not run the boat aground.
Here’s the thing, people: knowing what had been accomplished before the fishing ever began, Team FishTalk/PropTalk – and we suspect all of the teams on the water – had an excellent day. The actual fishing, of course, had nothing to do with it. Because with each and every cast the anglers involved in this event knew that they had played a role in helping make F4AC 2018 a smashing success, raising some serious funding for the cause. It was impossible to be upset over the wind and rain. The slow bite was a mere afterthought. This tournament is a win for everyone involved, period. If you weren’t among the 80 boats that entered, we seriously hope you’ll consider joining in next fall. If you were on one of the 12 boats that entered but didn’t raise any funds in the Captain’s Challenger, we urge you to enter earlier and make a fundraising effort part of your plan. And no matter how you become involved in Fish For a Cure, we’ll see you next year at F4AC 2019.