In 2022, we presented The Past, Present, & Future of Striped Bass: A Chesapeake Perspective series which featured three live-streamed roundtable events with fishery experts. In 2023, we continue the conversation with new thought-provoking topics designed to spark innovative and real solutions to some of the most pressing issues confronting Chesapeake recreational anglers today, tomorrow, and in the years to come. This new series moderated by FishTalk Angler-in-Chief, Lenny Rudow, will feature industry leaders from the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic region with whom viewers will be able to engage with by asking questions during the live stream via Facebook on YouTube. To be notified via email sign up here.
The final 2023 episode of A Chesapeake Perspective airs Thursday, September 21, at 7pm, and this is one you won’t want to miss. Our topic of discussion: Habitat Preservation and Restoration. There is perhaps no more important issue facing those who love the Chesapeake, and during this livestreamed roundtable we’ll discuss the issues facing the Bay, potential solutions, and the ways that we can all play a role to help make a healthier bay and healthier fisheries a reality.
Hosted by FishTalk’s Angler in Chief Lenny Rudow, our panel of experts includes:
- Brooke Landry, a submerged aquatic vegetation ecologist with MD DNR and chair of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s SAV workshop
- Jennifer Sagan, an oyster restoration specialist
- Tom Parham, Director, Tidewater Ecosystem Assessment at MD DNR
Tune in and participate in the discussion at FishTalk’s Facebook page or YouTube channel, and let’s raise our voices as we strive to learn more about how we can partake in habitat preservation and restoration right here on our beloved Chesapeake Bay.
Join us Thursday, 7/21 @ 7 p.m. on YouTube or Facebook
In Part 2 of our 2023 series of “A Chesapeake Perspective" we discuss the topic of "Expanding Angler Access." As anglers, our access to a hot bite depends on many factors: physical accessibility, legal accessibility, and fish populations, just to name a few. And unfortunately, in many ways our access has shrunk rather than expand in recent years. We’ve seen “no fishing” signs pop up and entire months wiped off the fishing calendar. Join Angler in Chief Lenny Rudow as we discuss angler access and how to improve it with our expert panel including:
- Stephanie Vatalaro, Senior Vice-President of Marketing & Communications at the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF)
- EJ Harman, “Combo for Kids” program from Anglers Sports Center
- Donna Morrow, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
If you’ve wondered why you can’t fish in a particular place or at a particular time — and what you can do to change that — be sure to check out this video!
Additional Links:
Maryland's Public Angler Access Map
Where to Fish in Virginia
Take Me Fishing Fishbrain Map
Combos for Kids
In Part 1 of our 2023 series of “A Chesapeake Perspective" we tackle the topic of "Opportunities and Impacts of Invasive Fish." The Chesapeake Bay’s health faces many challenges, and in the past decade one of the biggest impacts is the proliferation of invasive species including snakeheads, blue catfish, and flathead catfish.
We all have questions about their impact on native fish and crab populations. Yet even as invasives pose threats to native species in many of our waterways, they also offer recreational anglers an opportunity for newfound, red-hot fishing action. We invited some invasive species experts including DNR Program Manager Dr. Joseph Love, who has studied invasives extensively in the Blackwater River system and beyond; Dr. Noah Bressman, who not only studies snakeheads but also regularly pursues them from his fishing kayak; and DNR Southern Region Manager Mary Groves. This episode of “A Chesapeake Perspective” is your chance to learn more about how these species are changing the game.
Additional Links:
Blackwater River Northern Snakehead
Monster Blue Catfish
The Great Chesapeake Invasive Count

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