Fishing News for Mid-Atlantic Anglers

September 19, 2023
You say it’s time for a sweet new fishing machine, and you know that the Annapolis Powerboat Show in Annapolis, MD, is a great time and place to make it happen? Well, you’re right on both counts. But…
September 13, 2023
When I exited school and had no kids, no real job, and no serious obligations, naturally, I fished just about every waking hour. A buddy and I would pore over ADC map books (remember those?) looking…
September 11, 2023
Surely you’ve seen the videos on YouTube where anglers go casting for catfish with chicken nuggets, hamburger chunks, or some other bizarre bait to prove that you can catch these fish on just about…
September 1, 2023
Fishing reports published in print are generalized and weeks may have passed before the report gets into your hands, so for timely up-to-date reports, visit our Fishing Reports online. Current…
August 30, 2023
Greetings fellow FishTalkers, I hope you’ve been having an awesome summer of fishing and are as excited as I am at the prospect of fall Chesapeake Bay fishing, angling on the Atlantic Ocean, and…
August 15, 2023
You say you picked up angling a few years ago and you’re not sure if you’re still considered a fishing beginner, or if you’ve made it to the intermediate phase? Part of knowing what you’re talking…
August 6, 2023
Yes people, it’s time for the fishing tournament of all tournaments in Ocean City, MD, the White Marlin Open. This year the purse is expected to hit $86 bajillion dollars. Okay, seriously, this year’…
August 1, 2023
Fishing reports published in print are generalized and weeks may have passed before the report gets into your hands, so for timely up-to-date reports, visit our Fishing Reports online. Current…
July 23, 2023
Welcome to the heat of mid-summer, FishTalkers! Though it can get mighty hot out there this month, I absolutely love August because we usually have so many overlapping species cruising through my…
July 5, 2023
You may remember that in the May edition Notes from the Cockpit column I asked readers to chime in with their thoughts on the spring trophy striped bass season. Here are some of the reasoned, well…
July 1, 2023
Fishing reports published in print are generalized and weeks may have passed before the report gets into your hands, so for timely up-to-date reports, visit our Fishing Reports online. Current…
June 13, 2023
Whether you plan to live-line with spot or chum for cobia, you need to be able to set an anchor so it stays put. At least, that goes for anglers who don’t enjoy the option of hovering in place with…
May 30, 2023
Fishing reports published in print are generalized and weeks may have passed before the report gets into your hands, so for timely up-to-date reports, visit our Fishing Reports online. Current…
May 22, 2023
We have proof: after years of bemoaning wildly impossible numbers presented by the Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) to no avail, there’s now solid evidence that at least some of their…
May 18, 2023
Whether you spend your time Chesapeake Bay fishing or trolling for yellowfin at the canyons, we all love beating up on the weatherman. He’s incessantly inaccurate, speaks with asinine assuredness,…
May 16, 2023
Whether it’s a brand-spanking-new triple-engine Glitzcraft 1000 or a chalky water-stained wreck of a fishing machine, your fishboat is your fishing freedom. It gets you access to endless angling…
May 11, 2023
ASMFC Public Hearings Scheduled - 2nd UPDATE to new striped bass maximum size cap - The ASMFC will hold webinar-style public hearings informing the public and identifying next steps for management,…
May 2, 2023
Fishing reports published in print are generalized and weeks may have passed before the report gets into your hands, so for timely up-to-date reports, visit our Fishing Reports online. Current…