
March 23, 2025
Chesapeake Bay fishing is world-renowned for its quality, diversity, and scenic qualities, whether you're plugging for striped bass or trolling for bluefish. The Chesapeake is North America’s largest…
January 26, 2025
We anglers are a pondering lot (pun intended) regardless of whether we enjoy trolling for tuna on the open ocean or kayak fishing for crappie on a placid pond. We go to bed thinking about that hook-…
December 23, 2023
You may have already heard about the Japanese practice of ike jime. It’s definitely a little mysterious. But the verdict is in — ike jime is the best way to harvest a fish you intend to eat. With a…
April 14, 2023
Greetings FishTalkers, welcome to an utterly awesome time of year. Tidal action is getting ready to bust wide open, the freshwater fish are snapping, and now on some days we can once again enjoy the…
August 7, 2022
Greetings FishTalk readers, I hope your summer has thus far been a blur of bent rods, flying slime, and full coolers. This morning I awoke, took a shower, and while sudsing up discovered an errant…
July 17, 2022
You think you can ID a rockfish from a mile, and can tell the difference between yellowfin and bluefin tuna at a glance? Okay, let’s see what you’ve got. We put the three pictures below in the July…
April 17, 2022
Anglers have countless theories on how, when, and why they spook fish, and we took an in-depth look at the topic in Scaring Fish: Sensory Overload, a couple of years ago. At the moment, however, let'…
April 6, 2022
Mid-Atlantic anglers from the foothills of south PA, to the shoals off the Delaware coast, to the glorious Chesapeake Bay that makes up the heart and soul of both Maryland and Virginia: we have a…
January 18, 2021
If you enjoy Chesapeake Bay fishing, or any sort of fishing for that matter, it's a safe bet that you'd like to catch more fish. Heck, that’s why your eyes are skimming these words at this very…
December 9, 2020
It's a fact: kids LOVE fishing! Start ‘em out young and keep ‘em happy with these kid-friendly fishing tips: Former cover kids Liam, Olivia, and Landon are catching ‘em up! Keep them…
November 5, 2020
There are certain to be a few fishing failures, flops, and fiascos you wish you could forget. You say you want to minimize the mistakes you make and become a better angler? No problem, we’ve got you…
July 6, 2020
Baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie. American stuff. Things that are synonymous with our traditions and heritage. There are two other things I’d like to throw in there. Actually, they go hand and hand…
May 22, 2020
Greetings FishTalk readers, I hope each and every one of you is moving through our unexpectedly changed COVID-19 world thinking about rods in your hands and fish in the fryers… somehow or other. Yeah…
February 16, 2020
We all know that this sport we love is called fishing, and not catching, for a reason. And we know that fishing is a relaxing sport. We all go fishing to enjoy the beautiful outdoors... right? Wrong…
September 17, 2019
Aside from articles that include a collection of tips, like Surf Fishing Tips for Beginners and Top 10 Tips for Bottom Fishing, in every edition of FishTalk we include a couple of extra eclectic…
June 19, 2018
The fastest growing collegiate team sports in America are rugby, lacrosse, and… bass fishing? Yes, bass fishing, which first became a college sport of sorts in 1992 when students from Purdue…
May 4, 2018
I once tried to chunk for tuna with a rod I paid $20 for at K-mart, even as my buddy told me I was nuts. The rod broke, the fish got away, and I was forced to admit I’d made a spectacularly stupid…
February 4, 2018
Those who enjoy catch and release fishing want nothing more than to be sure the fish they throw back survive, and anglers who like to put fish in the cooler usually feel exactly the same way whether…