
May 17, 2024
If you live anywhere near Chesapeake Bay and you like fast angling action that results in tasty fish on the plate, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself fishing for blue catfish in the near…
April 17, 2024
There’s no such thing as a sure thing in fishing, but in recent years targeting blue catfish has become about as close as it gets in many Maryland waterways. Channel cats have been around for…
March 15, 2024
Most often thought of as a tourist destination, most people are shocked to learn about the vast fishing opportunities presented in the waters of the District of Columbia. Fishing alongside the…
February 10, 2024
Captain Marcus gets the anchor set and his mate Tommy starts tossing out lines one after the next, but before the fourth one flies over the side a rod starts bending and the reel starts singing. As…
January 11, 2024
Maybe there’s a warm day being forecast and you want to take advantage of the decent weather. Maybe you heard there’s an unexpected bite going off and you don’t want to miss out. Or, maybe you’re…
December 7, 2023
No matter where you live in Chesapeake Country there are sure to be plenty of bridges nearby, and hopping from one to the next is a great way to find a solid bite — especially during the winter…
September 11, 2023
Surely you’ve seen the videos on YouTube where anglers go casting for catfish with chicken nuggets, hamburger chunks, or some other bizarre bait to prove that you can catch these fish on just about…
June 28, 2023
All forms of fishing require some level of knowledge and skill that must be built over time, but one of the easiest fish to target and catch is the catfish, even when it comes to hunting for those…
March 3, 2023
You wish you could shove Old Man Winter down a flight of stairs as he makes his way out of our house? Us, too — 80 degrees and sunny sounds pretty darn magnificent right about now. But short of a…
September 29, 2022
I’m at Mattingly Avenue Park on Mattawoman Creek off the Potomac River in the early morning, slipping my kayak into the water as fog rises off it all around me. Today I’ll be hunting blue catfish —…
June 16, 2021
My good friend Alvie Sickle had told me there were certain sections within the Monocacy River watershed where five, six, even 10-pound channel catfish could be had — with the chance of even bigger…
January 28, 2021
Winter is trophy season for blue catfish, and fish over 40-inches can easily be targeted from the shore as well as from boats. While most of my personal experience is on the Potomac River, the…
December 17, 2020
Pop Quiz: When does Chesapeake Bay fishing season end? A. In November B. In December C. In December or January, depending on the weather D. Never! Yes, bass are on the menu when winter fishing…
December 7, 2020
One target that can be depended on to bite right through the winter months is catfish, including those monster blue catfish found throughout our region. You’ll catch them by putting cut fish, chicken…
March 23, 2020
Presented by Fish & Hunt Maryland Pop quiz: what single species represents the most reliable angling target in the entire state of Maryland, day after day after day, regardless of the season? It…
March 7, 2020
We love fishing for some species because of the challenge, we love fishing for others because of their tail-walking antics, and we love fishing for some because of their beauty, but those are all…
November 26, 2019
With such a wide variety of fish to target in our area, it’s easy to overlook one of the most reliable sources for a fun fight that we have access to in the Delmarva region: catfish. Whether you’re…
October 13, 2019
More and more, when I go out fishing on the Bay or one of its tributaries I find myself setting the hook on a fish, and my rod completely stops. It gets a deep bend, then tries to escape my grasp as…