May 28, 2018
I've done a lot of fishboat reviews through the years, and the first Sailfish center console I ever tested was a 26-footer way back when, maybe 20 years ago. I arrived at the boat ramp extremely…
May 23, 2018
The wind was piping down the South River when I showed up at Waterfront Marine, in Edgewater, MD, to get in a sea trial on the Robalo Cayman 246. With a southern bay-boat style design and a mere 16-…
May 7, 2018
Here's how you'll know if a HCB (Hydrasports Custom Boats) 53 Suenos rigged with quadruple Seven Marine outboards is the right center console for your needs: You say you want a center console…
April 30, 2018
I’m in the Virginia Beach convention center manning the FishTalk booth during the boat show, and no matter how hard I try to avoid doing it my head keeps swiveling to the right. There’s a sweet…
April 16, 2018
Take a look at the new Sea Ox 24, and you may be struck by the same thought that hit us upon first glance: if you're sick and tired of all those zillion-dollar, uber-gentrified, flowery-looking “…
March 28, 2018
We’re not prepared to say that the Tideline 365 Offshore overshadowed all the million-dollar quad-engine luxury center consoles, opulent yachts, and high-powered go-fasts that were in attendance at…
March 11, 2018
When the guys at PYY Marine told me they had a new Cape Horn 27 XS sitting in the water ready for a boat review, it wasn’t difficult to walk away from the desk and head for the marina. Join us for a…
March 4, 2018
Your love of largemouth bass versus the seduction of striper fishing is tearing your boating world apart? No wonder – if both types of fish and multiple freshwater and saltwater fishing styles appeal…
March 2, 2018
Check out our Fishboat Reviews and you'll notice that the all new Blackfin 272cc shares one thing in common with many of the modern angling machines we've been aboard: they have something of a split…
February 25, 2018
Whether you want to fish for bigeye tuna or probe the edges of Baltimore Canyon for billfish and yellowfin, a boat like the Grady-White Canyon 456 is sure to turn your head. This is the biggest Grady…
February 23, 2018
I’m walking down the isle at the Baltimore boat show day-dreaming about casting for winter pickerel or maybe soaking bait for some tidal blue catfish, for when I see it: like a blast from the past,…
February 14, 2018
Little aluminum boats don’t make headlines, rarely even get mentioned in print, and frankly get zero respect – much less any fanfare. That’s a shame, because a small fishing and crabbing machine like…
February 9, 2018
Look through our Fishboat Reviews and you'll see mostly center console fishing boats, rather than dual consoles. Though the dual console isn’t commonly the top fishboat design choice for die-hard…
January 9, 2018
You can stomp on the gas pedal in your truck and hit 85 miles an hour on the highway, so why can’t you do the same in your fishboat? Well, there’s this little thing called “friction” which your boat’…
January 4, 2018
With many things in life size matters, but the Sportsman Masters 207 proves that bigger isn’t always better. If you want to argue the point, I’ll put up my 40 pound wahoo up against your 50 pound…
January 4, 2018
If you're looking at hot new fishboat options in the 18 to 21 foot range, there's a good chance you'll be choosing between the Yamaha F115 and the Yamaha F150 as outboard motor options. There's a big…
December 5, 2017
Through the years I’ve tested the bulk of Cobia’s line-up and months ago we ran a boat review of the Cobia 217CC, but it’s their smallest offering, the 201CC, that’s impressed me the most. Why?…
November 18, 2017
When it came to picking 10 top center console fishing boats under $20,000, even though we’ve only had Fishboat Reviews in FishTalk since last April, we felt we could nail it down without a problem.…