April 3, 2018
I’m convinced that in the early spring flounder, like many species, swim into the Chesapeake Bay along the western beaches and keep swimming until they find slightly warmer water in areas like off…
February 20, 2018
If you want to catch the most and biggest flounder you’ve ever seen during a single day of fishing in the spring, one of the best places to offer this kind of opportunity lies on the Eastern Shore of…
October 12, 2017
Wherever along the Chesapeake Bay your fishing grounds are located, one thing is for sure: catching flounder in the Bay is a ton of fun. Some years you’ll encounter plenty of these flat-fish as far…
October 2, 2017
A great summer of fishing along the DelMarVa coast is just a memory, once fall rolls around. Tournament results are all but forgotten. Strong winds and unpredictable weather have made offshore…
May 12, 2017
April is when flounder begin their spring invasion in earnest. The tackle is rigged, reels are spooled with fresh line, boat covers are torn off, batteries get charged, and fingers get crossed when…