March 29, 2022
You will hear this fish called by many names: red drum, redfish, puppy drum for small ones, and bull redfish for very large ones. When I was young, the old timers in our area referred to them as…
February 5, 2022
Anyone who enjoys Chesapeake Bay fishing loves the Bay, which covers 4480 square miles, has a shoreline of 11,684 miles, and holds more than 15 trillion gallons of brackish water. Picking the locks…
December 7, 2021
Most anglers have made these mistakes at one point or another, but fishing beginners might not even realize the practices that could be the difference between an empty cooler or a full one. Save…
November 1, 2021
When it comes to light tackle jigging, many seasoned Chesapeake Bay anglers take the basics for granted. And if you grew up jigging all the time it’s no wonder. The elemental motions, concepts, and…
July 9, 2021
Although many different species of snakehead exist, the Northern snakehead are the ones to look out for when fishing in Chesapeake country—and as you surely know, fishing for snakeheads has become…
June 3, 2021
Smallmouth bass may share some similarities with their relative, the largemouth bass, but don’t let that fool you when it comes to fishing for them yourself. You are most likely to find these fish in…
May 10, 2021
Sheepshead are a somewhat common catch in coastal waters along the western Atlantic, as well as providing an unusual summer target for anglers who enjoy Chesapeake Bay Fishing in the Bay’s southern…
April 15, 2021
Not only do bluefish appear in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, but they can also be found in all of the world’s oceans. Bluefish are most commonly spotted in the Atlantic Ocean and situated…
March 14, 2021
The bass namesake is one that is shared by many species of fish, but none are quite as coveted by countless anglers as the largemouth bass – including many anglers who enjoy Chesapeake Bay fishing in…
August 19, 2020
Black drum which derive their name from their black body and the drumming sound that they produce are a popular target for Chesapeake Bay fishing for both beginners and experienced fishermen, from…
July 28, 2020
Bluegills are a popular recreational fish for beginner fishermen and are primarily concentrated throughout freshwater bodies of water, and in fresh areas of tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay. They…
July 22, 2020
Ribbonfish, otherwise known as cutlassfish, are a popular fishing target throughout the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans and have become a more common catch for those enjoying some Chesapeake Bay…
June 25, 2020
Mahi-mahi, otherwise known as Dolphinfish, travel in schools and can be found offshore but often wander closer to the shore in the summer—making them a popular inshore fishing target—during the…
June 11, 2020
The Atlantic croaker is a popular recreational fish for both beginner and experienced fishermen that can be found in the muddy and sandy bottoms, making them a popular target for bottom fishing in…
May 30, 2020
Flounder are a popular target searched out by anglers who enjoy Chesapeake Bay fishing, anglers probing the Mid-Atlantic coastal bays, and even many who fish in the Atlantic’s inshore waters. The…
April 26, 2020
Known for their beautiful, colorful patterned appearance, and an amazing ability to swim upstream, rainbow trout are a great fish to catch any time of the year. Rainbow trout are special because…
March 13, 2020
Whether it’s winter, spring, summer, or fall it is always a good time to go fishing for crappie. This freshwater panfish comes in two flavors: black crappie and white crappie, although they look very…
March 1, 2020
The black sea bass is a Mid-Atlantic fish that lives around bottom structure like reefs and is known for being absolutely delicious. The flavor of their fillets is known for being very delicate due…