February 5, 2023
If the bite suddenly shut down as another angler arrived, they might get blamed for spooking the fish. But, perhaps a change of tide was the real issue? The barometric pressure suddenly spiked? Or,…
January 10, 2023
If you enjoy Chesapeake Bay fishing from a boat, chances are you depend on lead-acid batteries to crank over that boat’s engine, power your electric trolling motor, and feed juice to everything from…
December 23, 2022
You tossed Aunt Martha’s crusty fruitcake into the trash, the cranberry sauce got removed from the fridge when green fuzz started growing, and you just poured three gallons of expired eggnog down the…
December 21, 2022
Another new year is upon us, and as we turn the page to a new calendar there's plenty of cool new fishing gear to check out. Is there an angler out there who doesn't love new fishing gear? Not a…
November 21, 2022
Holiday gifts for fishermen brighten up the season, especially since many of us are a bit perturbed by the thought of putting on six layers of clothing in order to go casting for catfish or pitching…
November 2, 2022
As Rocktober fades into Rockvember (or something) we know all you hardcore Chesapeake Bay fishing lovers aren't going to slow down one bit. So, what's next on the horizon? How about some cool new…
August 15, 2022
With the summer of 2022 well underway, at this point you've probably lost some lures, busted some fishing gear, and broken off a few leaders. Is it time for a restocking? If so, check out these cool…
July 29, 2022
Looking for some simple ways to reuse, replenish, and repair? When it comes to fishing gear the possibilities are virtually endless — check out these 20 fishing hacks.
Put silica packets in your…
July 23, 2022
Yeti, Dometic, Engel, Otter Box, and Pelican, prepare yourself to enter the Thermal Thunderdome and compete in a killer cooler cage match for super coolers. Like it or not, in our gladiatorial arena…
July 15, 2022
Tackle manufacturers keep up a steady stream of new and improved products, and we keep bringing you the latest and the greatest as quickly as we can. Last month we told you about some cool new…
April 25, 2022
We try to cover cool new fishing gear as it hits the streets, and as FishTalk reader know, nothing related to fishing is out of bounds. For the upcoming summer of 2022 we have four totally awesome…
April 2, 2022
It's time to check out some hot new fishing gear, folks!
Furuno Fish It and Drift It
The new Fish It and Drift It features from Furuno will are designed to help you catch more fish.
Does raw…
March 17, 2022
Whether you're dedicated to Chesapeake Bay fishing or you enjoy casting in sweet-water for species like largemouth bass or rainbow trout, on thing is for sure: we all love checking out cool new…
February 9, 2022
Ready to check out a bunch of hot new fishing gear and boating goodies? Here's some of the cool stuff we've been checking out for 2022.
Check out Tinman's shad darts when you want bigger lures, but…
February 5, 2022
Anyone who enjoys Chesapeake Bay fishing loves the Bay, which covers 4480 square miles, has a shoreline of 11,684 miles, and holds more than 15 trillion gallons of brackish water. Picking the locks…
January 1, 2022
Rudow's FishTalk is the go-to source for the most accurate, timely, how-to and where-to information about Chesapeake Bay fishing and angling throughout Mid-Atlantic region. If you're looking for…
December 27, 2021
It starts out innocently enough since you don’t need a trolling motor on your center console boat, and you have a Jon boat with a trolling motor for fishing the piers and rivers for white perch with…
November 21, 2021
Last winter’s CCA Pickerel Tournament was a turning point for me in my fishing and tackle craft. I have known for a while that rabbit fur streamers were excellent for fly fishing for largemouth bass…