Remember, folks, this is a forecast as opposed to a current report, which is built from looking back at the past eight years of FishTalk's reports, so for current reports please visit our Reports section which is updated weekly. Current reports will be published every Friday by noon and you can sign up for our email list to get an alert as they publish (it's free), should you so desire.

Chances are that by the time February rolls around the oceanic action will have grown pretty quiet. Well, very quiet, but there are exceptions. We can expect that tautog will be willing to chew on green crabs and white leggers dropped to the wrecks and reefs off the coast on days when the weather allows. And Virginia Beach anglers will be happy to reel up sea bass, just as long as the state allows for the special February season (which was TBA as we went to press).
If there’s going to be an ice fishing season this year it’ll be right about now. But that’s a big “if” and we certainly can’t predict whether hard water will continue to be available within driving distance, or not. That said, whether the water is wide-open or requires drilling, yellow perch, pickerel, and crappie don’t mind super-cold water temps. And if the Eastern Shore ponds are within a day’s drive don’t forget that they often offer up excellent February action particularly for pickerel.
As we go to press there are already reports of yellow perch balling up in deepwater haunts as they stage prior to their spawning runs, so the outlook is good for a midwinter bite. Dropping down tandems with minnow is standard fare, though minnow on a bottom rig will get the job done, too. And while you’re at it consider setting some cut baits along the channel edges and holes and hold on tight—catfish never stop eating, no matter how chilly it becomes.
While the mainstem Bay is likely quiet right about now, the tributaries and creeks feeding it have solid potential for pickerel anglers. Casting paddletails was hot early this winter but as the water’s grown chillier, we’d expect that suspending minnow on shad darts and small bucktails under a bobber has taken over as most effective.
Well, the big trophies came back (yay!) but by now they’re most likely hugging bottom in a winter slumber (boo!). A stretch of warmth could turn that around, but who knows what the weather will bring. Up the tributaries, meanwhile, look to find deep holes downriver of perch spawning grounds and you may well get into a nice slug of fish right about now. Pickerel will also be a possibility just as long as those coves are ice-free.

While perch can be found in the Lower Bay tribs, too, this is a red-hot time for some cold-weather blue catfish fishing. The James, Rappahannock, and Potomac all hold the potential for fast action and a monster or two if you’re willing to bundle up and toss some cut bait out on bottom along the channel edges.
Head for the tributaries if you want to bend a rod, people, because the rivers feeding the Sounds enjoy some excellent winter fishing action. Perch, pickerel, crappie, and bass are all on the menu for those casting shad darts tipped with bull minnow. Look to find the fish along channel edges during low and falling tides, but moving up over shallower flats when the water rises and the sun comes out.
It’s a big roll of the dice trying to forecast what will be available to area anglers in February, but if the weather stays warm enough there’s always a shot for redfish and speckled trout action in the inlets and the Elizabeth. If an arctic blast decides to shut down that action, heading upriver ISO perch, pickerel, and catfish will likely be the move.
Don't forget to sign up for the FishTalk Fishing Reports to get the latest intel on the bites in all these zones every week, by noon on Friday.