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Way North Fishing Reports

Way North Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, March 21 Update:

Many anglers have been getting on the water to take advantage of catch and release striped bass opportunities before the start of the closure. The lower portion of the Susquehanna River has seen some action for striped bass in the mid-30 to mid-40-inch range. Soft plastics, jerkbaits, and crankbaits have all been effective. Blue catfish have also been mentioned as more active and even willing to hit lures. Catch and release striped bass fishing will end in all Maryland waters of the Chesapeake Bay on April 1st. The Susquehanna Flats catch and release boundaries are upstream of a line from Sandy Point to Turkey Point and the Susquehanna River downstream from a line connecting the Susquehanna State Park boat ramp at Lapidum to Twin Rocks to Tomes Wharf in Port Deposit; and the Northeast River. The open and closed areas can be viewed on the Maryland DNR striped bass regulation map.

yellow perch fishing chesapeake bay
Crappie are common bycatches when fishing the spring perch runs. 

The yellow perch spawn is winding down, but there has been some good action for post spawn fish as they make their way out of the tidal tributaries. The North East River seems to be the most productive in the Way North region and we are also starting to see white perch. Grass shrimp and blood worms fished on bottom rigs should work well while the fish are in deeper depths. Once they push up their spawning tributaries into shallower water, shad darts and small plastic jigs tipped with grass shrimp are known to be effective. Blue catfish action is starting to pick up and the bite should continue to improve throughout the month of April. The lower Susquehanna River, Susquehanna Flats, and Elk River are a few of the top areas to catch blue catfish, though they can be found throughout just about all of the bay tributaries.

Way North Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, March 14 Update:

Spawning runs are still moving along as winter draws to an end. Yellow perch have moved from their deep-water hangouts and are pushing up their spawning tributaries. The North East River is a popular location to fish for perch during their run and shoreline anglers have been having success fishing with minnows and grass shrimp. Blue catfish are also beginning to get more active as water temperatures rise. Reports from anglers show that they are being caught around Port Deposit and Havre De Grace with better success. Gizzard shad is a preferred bait, but eel, bunker, perch, and chicken will also work.

yellow perch fishing spring fishing
Yellow perch are pushing into their spawning tributaries to spawn.

Migratory striped bass are beginning to push up the Bay and stage at the spawning areas. Anglers looking to target stripers only have two more weeks to target fish for catch and release before the no targeting closure goes into effect April 1st. There are certain rivers that are closed to targeting right now, but other rivers and the main stem of the Bay are open for catch and release fishing. The Susquehanna Flats catch and release boundaries are: upstream of a line from Sandy Point to Turkey Point and the Susquehanna River downstream from a line connecting the Susquehanna State Park boat ramp at Lapidum (defined by Lat. 39°35.86′ N and Long. 76°07.67′ W) to Twin Rocks (defined by Lat. 39°36.17′ N and Long. 76°07.56′ W) to Tomes Wharf in Port Deposit (defined by Lat. 39°36.23′ N and Long. 76°06.99′ W); and the Northeast River. Note: The “Tomes Wharf” coordinate is closest to Lee’s Landing Dock Bar. Catch and release of striped bass is not allowed below the lower boundary line of the Susquehanna Flats designated area to the Brewerton Channel. If you plan to get out before the closure, make sure to look at the Maryland DNR striped bass regulations map.  

Way North Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, March 7 Update:

The weather is warming up and there are still some yellow perch hanging around the lower Susquehanna River to get out and chase. There was a report from a few anglers fishing near the bridges at Garrett Island on the lower Susky who caught several keeper yellow perch and put together a solid stringer to take home. Minnows were the ticket to getting bites. We haven’t heard of any white perch moving into the area yet, but they shouldn’t be too far behind, especially if the weather stays on the warmer side. Water temperatures are still in the low 40’s, but they should steadily trend warmer over the next few weeks. This will get a lot of species more active, especially blue catfish. There have been good reports from other areas of the Bay and the fish in this region should be active. Fishing along ledges will be a good tactic, and if you don’t get a bite within 15 or 20 minutes, consider moving up or down the ledge until you find the fish. There is no shortage of them and they are usually willing to hit a variety of cut bait. Gizzard shad and eel are two excellent bait choices for targeting blue catfish.

yellow perch spring fishing chesapeake bay
Looks like yellow perch is on the menu tonight!

The chance for anglers to get out and chase migratory striped bass is winding down as this is the last month to chase them before the no targeting closure goes into effect starting April 1st. There are a few areas in the Way North region of the Bay that are closed to targeting striped bass for the month of March. The Susquehanna Flats is open for catch and release, but the lower Susquehanna River and a portion of the bay south of the Flats is closed. We recommend looking at the Maryland DNR striped bass regulation map to see where catch and release fishing is allowed this month.

February 6, 2025
Way North Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, February 28 Update: The hot yellow perch bite that anglers have been enjoying on the lower Susquehanna this month is winding down and many anglers reported that the bite was on the slower side this week, at… Read more...
January 2, 2025
Way North Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, January 30 Update: Ice is beginning to break up thanks to warmer temperatures this week, but the Way North reaches of the Bay still have a lot of floating ice. The current shot of rain will help to melt away… Read more...
December 6, 2024
Way North Chesapeake Fishing Report, December 26 Update: We hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and got some new fishing gear to try out in the new year. There are still a few days to get out and catch fish in 2024 and there are a few species… Read more...