Tangier, Pocomoke, and Lower Eastern Shore Fishing Report, February 23 Update:
Winter temperatures that we usually see in February returned to the region this week which had anglers bundling up when hitting the water. Sea Hawk Sports Center checked in and let us know that Pocomoke pan fishing has been keeping the wintertime woes at bay. Crappie, yellow perch, and pickerel have all been biting. They said the best bite has been during the ebb tide in depths of four to 15 feet. Small two-inch grubs on 1/16-ounce spinner tipped with small minnows has been working great. Baits in white, pink, and chartreuse have been the favorites. Other tidal rivers have been productive as well with successful panfish reports coming out of the Manokin and Wicomico Rivers.

Another fishing opportunity this week is to head to some of the locations on the Eastern Shore stocked with trout. You can visit the Maryland DNR trout stocking website to get the latest stocking information. Next week’s temperatures are forecasted to feel more like spring, so make sure to take advantage of the nice weather and catch some fish.
Tangier, Pocomoke, and Lower Eastern Shore Fishing Report, February 15 Update:
Last week brought us some very mild temperatures that made it feel more like April than mid-February. Many anglers took advantage of the warm temps and there were some hearsay reports of white perch being caught in some of the lower Eastern Shore tributaries, but we can’t confirm or deny them right now. However, it is getting to be that time of year where the yellow perch are staging to run, so stay tuned for when that action kicks off. Fishing has remained good in the Pocomoke River for crappie, bass, pickerel, and yellow perch. Minnows have been the bait of choice for many anglers and floating them under a bobber is a popular tactic. A few of the Eastern Shore counties received trout stocking this week which has opened another fishing opportunity anglers in this region. Tuckahoe creek in Caroline County was stocked with 700 trout and Beaverdam creek in Wicomico County was stocked with 400 trout. Make sure to visit the Maryland DNR trout stocking website for the latest stocking information.

More updates to striped bass regulations regarding Maryland waters were released this week by Maryland DNR. “Striped bass emergency regulations submitted by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to support the spawning population was approved this week by the Maryland General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review, and are effective immediately. The emergency regulations extend periods of closure to recreational striped bass fishing in the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay. Targeting of striped bass will be prohibited from April 1st to May 15th, eliminating the Maryland striped bass trophy season. In the Susquehanna Flats, targeting of striped bass is prohibited through the end of May.” Additional information can be found on the Maryland DNR website.
Tangier, Pocomoke, and Lower Eastern Shore Fishing Report, February 9 Update:
Most of the fishing on the lower Eastern Shore has been limited to the tidal rivers, but it is providing steady action. Reports of a great winter bite in the upper tribs including the Nanticoke and Pocomoke came in this week. One reader reported bouncing minnow on shad darts along bottom was the ticket, and it produced plenty of bites from crappie, pickerel, yellow perch, and bass. The crappie fishing should really start to pick up towards the end of the month and the Pocomoke is well known for producing big fish. A lot of anglers will troll live minnows along channels and near other structures which is very effective.

We are also approaching the start of the yellow perch run which is only a few weeks away. The perch have already started staging at the headwaters of their spawning grounds in other tidal tributaries in the Bay, so it may be an early run depending on the weather. Right now most are being found in prespawn areas and we had reader reports of good action on minnow this week. When the run cranks up "for real" on the shore, we will make sure to let you know. I think we are all wishing Spring would hurry up and get here!
Tangier, Pocomoke, and Lower Eastern Shore Fishing Report, February 2 Update:
After an extreme cold snap in the middle of January, we got a very nice warm up last weekend and Sea Hawk Sports Center says that it spurred a decent bite across the region. Pocomoke River pan fishing has been very productive this past week with crappie, yellow perch, largemouth bass, and pickerel all coming into the boat for anglers. Sea Hawk says that they are having the best luck at targeting the suspended slabs using small spinners and jigs while trolling in five to 15 feet of water.

Sea Hawk has also heard some reports of big striped bass being caught out in the Bay which is still catch and release this time of year. The most surprising report they told us was that one angler showed picture evidence of getting on a steady speckled trout bite on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. No matter how much they asked, the angler would not give up any more details as to how or where they caught the specks, so we will be left wondering for the time being. Man, oh man could we go for some speckled trout right now! Meanwhile, another trout opportunity that just popped up on the Eastern Shore: the Maryland DNR just stocked 700 rainbow trout in Tuckahoe Creek in Caroline County for those anglers looking to get on some put and take action. The fish were stocked on January 31st, so they will still be plenty left for this weekend’s fishing activities. Make sure to check the Maryland DNR trout stocking website for up-to-date information.